There are two regular club meetings every month, the main one is held on The Last Friday of every month
The other meeting, held on The Second Sunday of the month, is a much more ad hoc affair. Attendance depends very much on what other events are being held and the weather.
The Friday meetings:
Our new Location as of July 2023 is:
B-Road at The Stag
Canterbury Road
TN25 4BB
The Sunday meetings:
The Sunday meets are used as a social gathering and chance to drive out in the cars if no other events attract our attention. They now have a very varied format as follows:-
Sunday Run and Lunch
2nd Sunday of most months
Meet at the motorway services area, M20 J8 between 11:00 and 11:30.
Leave at 11:30 for a drive along the roads and lanes of Kent for an hour or two.
We will finish at a pub, chosen on the day, for a drink or Sunday lunch.
Why not come along and join us for the drive, lunch or
both? Contact regulars
Ian Macquarie
Paul Loveridge
if you want more info.